The London Supply Group Foundation was awarded the CSR Distinctions award in the category “Foundation with outstanding activity in issues for the well-being of children and young people” f...
The London Supply Group Foundation was awarded the CSR Distinctions award in the category “Foundation with outstanding activity in issues for the well-being of children and young people” f...
The London Supply Group Foundation was awarded the “2018 Foundation: Social Responsibility in Health and Education” award for the 2nd edition of the "Super healthy" pediatric campaign. The...
In a day that marks a milestone in the history of the London Supply Group, the plenary session of Deputies of the honorable Chamber of Representatives of the province of Misiones, on June 7, 2018, una...
The London Supply Group Foundation was awarded the best NGO of the year award for the "Super healthy" pediatric campaign. The Award was awarded by “CSR - Communicative Social Responsibility&rdqu...
On November 29, 2014, the city of Cannes, France, within the framework of the celebration of the 30 years of the FRONTIER AWARDS, held the traditional awards ceremony for the best in the field of the ...
In commemoration of the 8th edition of the 2011 Communicative Social Responsibility Distinctions that reward solidarity and Corporate Social Responsibility in Argentina, the London Supply Group Founda...