The dental campaign, which has been running for three editions, evaluates and classifies the oral health of each patient based on an index developed by Dr. Guz. This medical parameterization allows not only to develop a general diagnosis of the current dental situation of the educational community, but also to establish a comparison with respect to the results obtained in the previous campaign.


In turn, general prevention tasks are carried out, including a fluoride treatment for each student and training workshops on hygiene and brushing.


2019 - A total of 698 boys were surveyed, they underwent a visual inspection of dental pieces, brushing technique workshops and fluoride topication.

In turn, the 3rd grade boys underwent cavity fillings in permanent and temporary pieces.


2022 - A total of 920 boys were surveyed, it consisted of a visual inspection of dental pieces, brushing technique workshops and fluoride topication.

This year emphasis was placed on pre-school boys who underwent cavity fillings in permanent and temporary pieces.

Compared to 2019, the records regarding the oral conditions of the boys improved, increasing the record of healthy mouths.